These days, the term “gut health” has become a buzzword in the health and wellness world. It seems like everyone is talking about the importance of a healthy gut. And for good reason!
The GI-MAP stands for Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus. This is a unique stool test, taken in the comfort of your own home, and then shipped directly to the lab (via a pre-paid FedEx label). It uses quantitative PCR technology with high sensitivity to take a deep dive inside your gut microbiome (bactiera, fungi, digestion, and more). It gives a starting point to begin identifying the root cause of your symptoms and improve your overall health.
Long story short, what is happening in your gut is kind of a big deal!
And I get excited to put on my detective hat, and together, figure out what is driving your results.
When they are low, there is an opportunity for the “bad guys” to overgrow. And it also plays a role in ‘leaky gut’ aka intestinal permeability. For more information on 'leaky gut', check this post out & this post!
The next few sections show fungi/yeast such as Candida, parasites, worms, and my favorite section called "intestinal health markers." The Intestinal Health Markers section takes a deep dive into how your digestion is functioning. We can see if you are able to break down fats, carbs, and proteins properly, overall gut immune function, if your immune system is reacting to gluten, and more!
With all of this information, we can work to re-establish your gut health naturally with specific foods/herbal supplements/lifestyle changes, and more!
I'm currently accepting new clients into my Gut & Metabolism Reset Method. We will determine if the GI-Map is necessary to get to the root cause of your symptoms (with a very specific protocol based on your results to get you feeling your very best). Fill out my application here!
Emily Werner, MS | Weight Loss & Gut Health Nutritionist