Having spent my entire professional career in the fitness industry, and combining my passion for healthy living, Whole Bite Protein Ice Cream was born. My #1 intention when creating this product was to provide an ice cream that isn't on the market, and actually can be enjoyed everyday without hindering any health goals. With this in mind, I dedicated my creative process to only using whole ingredients. It's rare to find most products in the grocery store without a list of gums, preservatives, and artificial "junk" in them, and even more so, a product in the ice cream aisle.
Our FDA has done a very poor job in banding ingredeints in our food industry. I see many people struggle with health issues, both physical and mental, that are linked back to the food they are eating. Gums typically lead to inflammation in the body, and artificial sweetners may contribute to sugar cravings and stimulating your appetite (weight gain). These are just two commonalities of unnecessary ingredeints that are put into our foods and are harming us. Other unnecessary ingredients in our food products range from corn syrups and oils, to sodiums and dyes.
Many people also struggle with not consuming enough protein in their daily diet. This includes growing children who need protein to properly develop as they age. Protein is the macronutrient that keeps us feeling full, the longest. When we don't have enough protein in our diet, we have more cravings and tend to eat more calories. A majority of people will resort to carbohydrates or fats to try and satisfy that "hunger" they are feeling. Based on those eating habits, people begin to consume more unnecessary calories and set themselves up for icreased weight gain.
Whole Bite Protein Ice Cream provides a substantial amount of protein per pint, ranging anywhere from 27 g of protein in our Cinnamon Swirl Pint, to a whopping 42 g of protein in our Chocolate Almond Butter Pint! No other ice cream on the market can deliver whole ingredeints and an appropriate amount of protein. I pride myself on having created this line of whole ingredient, protein ice creams.
With Whole Bite Protein Ice Cream, not only can you now enjoy ice cream on a daily basis, but you don't have to worry about a negative reaction to what you're consuming. It's our responsibility to make healthy food choices, but I understand the struggle so many people have, in that there aren't enough whole ingredient products to choose from. People settle for the "best" option, but most of the time it's still a bad choice.
Whole Bite Protein Ice Cream is my gift to the world. Allowing me to make a positive impact in people's lives, and bringing a smile to your face every time you scoop into your favorite flavor. Now you have a great option in the ice cream aisle! A whole ingredient, protein packed ice cream.
Locally we can be found in The Dime on Daniels Island and Mercantile and Mash in downtown Charleston. More locations coming soon. Visit us on IG @wholebite.proteinicecream to place a personal order for delivery, and find out what events we will be attending to purchase on site.