Dance workouts have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness! When participating in any type of physical activity, it is crucial to set personal goals to gain a clear understanding of your objectives (weight loss, consistency, building strength/stamina/endurance, forming better habits, etc). Dancing has been shown to aid people acheive many difference wellness and holistic goals. Backed by scientific studies that have presented compelling evidence to support the efficacy of dance workouts. Let's explore further into the details.
Always a Full Body Workout
Dance is a cardio workout that engages your entire body, from your heart and lungs to your muscles and joints. It helps improve balance, muscle strength, coordination, posture, and flexibility.
- Full body workouts maximize your time. Instead of spending your workout focusing on one area of the body, you can utilize dance to work your endurance, core stabilization, and functional mobility!
- Workouts that are training your whole body will be burn calories and fat faster than if you were only working one muscle group. Combine this with proper nutrition, you can get great results.
Engages all planes of motion
Dance workouts engage all three planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Let’s break it down:
- Sagittal plane activities include running, walking, cycling, squatting, bicep curls, and more.
- Frontal plane exercises involve lateral lunges, shuffles, arm & leg raises, etc.
- Transverse plane movements include spinal rotation, limb rotation, shoulder and hip rotation.
Dancing involves moving in all directions - grapevines, skipping, side stepping, jumping jacks, hip rolls, torso rotations, and so much more. This helps improve stability, movement efficiency, and reduces the risk of injuries. So, next time you dance, remember you're working out in a fun and effective way!
Community leads to Consistency. Consistency = Results
Taking part in dance-based workouts can make it easier to stay consistent with your fitness routine. These workouts are often held in group settings, whether at a studio, gym, or online class, which creates a sense of community. Meeting like-minded individuals who share your interests can help keep you motivated and accountable. At Take Up Space Fitness in Charleston, the strong sense of community makes every workout feel like a celebration! By promoting consistency and providing a supportive environment, you'll be more likely to stick to your fitness goals and develop lasting habits.
Mindful Movement
Engaging in dance can have a positive impact on brain health. Through dance workouts, you will acquire new dance routines or choreography, synchronized with the rhythm of the music. Mastering these routines can enhance your memory and act as a preventive measure against dementia. Additionally, dancing and dance-based workouts have been found to elevate serotonin levels, a hormone that contributes to improved mood.
To sum it all up, incorporating a dance workout into your routine is a fantastic way to make the most of your time. Not only will you be conditioning your entire body, but you'll also be improving your balance, making new friends, and having a blast! Dance workouts are not only fun, but they also help build resilience and strengthen the mind. By sticking with it, you'll be on track to reach your goals faster than ever before!
Here are some popular dance workouts you can try in Charleston and online: Zumba, Take Up Space Fitness, ACE: The Anneclaire Experience, Freedom Studios, Jane Do, Apple Fitness +, Dance Body, 305 Fitness, and many more!
FAQ about dance workouts that Sasha (founder of Take Up Space Fitness) receives on the daily:
Are Dance workouts better than “normal” workouts?
When it comes to staying motivated and enjoying your workout, dance workouts can be a great option. Many people love the fun and sense of accomplishment that comes with dancing, as well as the supportive community that often surrounds dance workouts. Not only are dance workouts efficient for the body, but they can also challenge the mind and help you stay focused during your workout. Unlike traditional workouts, dance workouts often incorporate various techniques and modalities. For example at Take Up Space Fitness, their popular Dance & Sculpt class combines: strength training, cardio, mindfulness, breath work, and mobility.
What is the ideal duration for my dance workout?
The Department of Health and Human Services suggests 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. For even more health benefits and to aid in weight loss or weight maintenance, it is recommended to aim for at least 300 minutes per week. Dancing for 30 minutes each day would total to 210 minutes of vigorous activity per week, which is a fantastic way to kickstart weight loss or maintain it!
Do I need dance experience to attend a dance workout?
No dance experience is needed at Take Up Space Fitness! Our dance cardio workouts are based on natural and organic movements, that are inherintly low impact. You'll learn signature moves through repetition in every class. You’ll also start to feel the more you attend, the more comfortable you'll become (which is also normal any time you try something brand new)! As you become more in tune with your body and start feeling at ease, you'll naturally begin to push yourself harder and fall in love with the process! Learning a new skill and mastering it is a fantastic way to boost your confidence, self-compassion, and resilience.
Why try Take Up Space Fitness?
It's truly everything you need in one place. You can save time and energy by avoiding aimless wandering at the gym and uncertainty about which group class to try next. Our class options provide everything - from endurance and cardio to mobility and mindfulness. Say goodbye to guesswork in your workouts and hello to the results you desire. Embrace and honor your fitness journey with a practice that is enjoyable and effective.
Take Up Space Class Modalities:
Dance & Sculpt is where dance, rhythm, resistance training, and fun all blend together in one practice. We begin with a dynamic warm up and grounding stretch, before diving into dancing. In the dance portion we focus on simple movement that will guide you to feel your power, flow, and authentic expression!
Following our exhilarating dance party, we meet on the mat for beat-driven resistance training - envision a fusion of barre, pilates, and invigorating yoga. To wrap up the class, we move into a restorative cool down, and meditation, leaving you feeling revitalized and energized.
In this practice we will move through resistance exercises that generate heat and mobility. Moving through high rep/low weight movements that work the entire body. Although this practice is low impact, it is certainly not low energy! Take Up Space utilizes the exciting energetics of musicality, breath work, flow, and functional movement to make this sculpt experience an absolute blast.
The feel-good recovery portion of the class is designed to allow your body to absorb the nutrients of your practice while also calming the nervous system. It includes gentle breath work, stretching, and moments of meditation to add a touch of tranquility.
In addition to group classes at Take Up Space we also offer 1:1 Wellness Coaching, Nutrition and Personal Training- allowing you to take a 360 approach to your overall health, to find harmony between your body and mind!
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