Your Guide to Charleston Health & Wellness
ADHD is more frequently than not viewed as a disorder that needs to be fixed. But what if this isn’t the case? Many experts and those that struggle with ADHD would argue that it can be a superpower! Curious how you can turn you or your child’s ADHD into a superpower? Keep reading to learn more
Imagine your favorite go to "treat" that you feel you can only eat on those rare occasions. Now, we have created a healthy version of ice cream that not only includes whole ingredients, but is packed with protein. It's time for a daily dose of ice cream in your life!
Excessive screen time harms neck and back health, causing "text neck," upper crossed syndrome, and lower back pain. Poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle are major contributors. Combat this with ergonomic setups, regular breaks, and exercise to prevent long-term issues.
Learn about Empowered Minds’ mission to nurture mental health in Charleston classrooms. Join us in teaching skills that promote resilience, self awareness and emotional regulation.
Inflammation is a hot topic these days (rightfully so) as it has been linked to some serious health conditions. We are living in a time where convenience is king, but many of the convenient foods we reach for will eventually lead to inflammation. So, let’s talk about foods that can help fight it!
At The Healthiest, we strive to make our corner of the world a little better by connecting local health & wellness businesses with the local consumers that seek and use their services. To do that, we feature educational content written by the very businesses that local consumers will frequent.