The Healthiest

Abbie Lafond

Abbie, a native of Charleston, SC, was brought up in an environment that prioritized health. With a father practicing as a general surgeon and a mother who previously worked as a dental hygienist, her upbringing not only immersed her in conventional healthcare but also instilled a deep appreciation for overall well-being. This foundation strongly influenced Abbie's active lifestyle; she engaged in competitive indoor and outdoor volleyball and now maintains a fervor for fitness routines and leisurely walks.

Her dedication to aiding others in navigating their health journeys derives from personal experiences, including her brother's Autism diagnosis and the subsequent challenges her family encountered in securing suitable support. Additionally, her partner's battle with Hodgkin's Lymphoma spurred a quest for reliable information crucial to their journey through this difficult period. Abbie recognizes the complexities of accessing accurate information and connecting with the right professionals during such pivotal moments. It is this awareness that motivated her to join The Healthiest Team, where she aims to distribute reliable information and facilitate connections with adept local professionals, empowering the community to navigate their unique health journeys.