Ride and Roll Cycling Studio

Kylie Bissell

With a passion for animal/conservation & health/fitness, Kylie always dreamed big! After graduating high school she began her journey to work as a Marine Mammal Trainer. Graduating with a bachelors from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and completing three internships she eventually got her first paid position as a trainer at SeaWorld Texas! There she worked with Beluga Whales & Pacific White-Sided Dolphins. To her, it was an honor to help educate the public about the incredible animals we share our planet with. 


So how did we end up here? Ian got stationed here in Charleston due to the U.S Navy and after 2 years of long distance, it was time to be reunited as a family. With that, Kylie decided to leave the animal care field and pursue something new! 


Kylie found her love of teaching spin at Cyclebar while she was in Texas, but always knew she wanted to be a part of building something special in the fitness community. She believes that everything happens for a reason and you meet the right people at the right time.