Well Space

Jeanine Kutil


Cert. IIN Health Coach & Cert. Qigong Instructor

Jeanine Kutil is an IIN Health Coach and certified Qigong instructor. She takes a holistic mind-body approach to working with clients and focuses on six core pillars of health and healing: sleep, nutrition, mindfulness, detox, exercise and purpose. While she loves cooking and finding the right nutrition for every client, she knows there is much more to good health than what’s on the plate.


Through somatic coaching exercises and foundational nervous system work, she helps clients to lay the groundwork for good health and expands on this by helping them build sustainable lifestyle habits.


Jeanine struggled with her own health challenges, and found her way to vibrant health, resiliency, and a balanced lifestyle. She is now dedicated to helping others do the same in a world where many are sick and struggling. Jeanine also offers somatic coaching sessions outside the context of a comprehensive health coaching program, as well as nutrition consultations. She is available for strategic consulting with businesses who are looking to take the next step in their employee wellness offering. And she is looking for a place to teach Qigong in the Charleston area. Reach out if you have any recommendations!