Dynamic Wellness Solutions

Calen Pangle


Owner/Registered Dietitian

My Journey: My journey in the field of nutrition began with a deep curiosity about the impact of food on our bodies and overall health. While serving in Iraq in 2005, I began to consider life after the military. I had a growing passion for nutrition and fitness and after honorably separating from the military in 2006, I decided to pursue a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, and my passion for the subject only grew stronger. As I delved deeper into the science of nutrition, I realized the immense potential it holds in transforming lives. My professional Dietetics career has since taken me down numerous paths working in hospitals, long term care facilities and dialysis clinics to freelancing for various health care facilities. With the knowledge I have gained from working in numerous capacities as an RD, I have prepared myself to tackle a multitude of nutrition related challenges.


Philosophy: I strongly believe that food is not just fuel for our bodies, but a powerful tool that can heal, prevent, and nurture. My approach to nutrition is rooted in evidence-based practices, combined with a personalized touch. No two individuals are the same, and understanding your unique needs and goals is essential in developing a tailored nutrition plan that works for you. The science of nutrition is an ever-evolving field, and I will continuously seek emerging evidence to support or discredit any information that relates to nutrition and provide those findings to you, our valued customers. With a scrutinous eye, I will uncover truths that have evaded the general public.


What I Do: As an RD, I specialize in providing comprehensive nutrition counseling and guidance across various age groups and health conditions. Whether you're seeking to manage a specific health concern, aiming for weight management, or simply looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, I am here to support and empower you every step of the way.


Let's Get Started: I am excited to be a part of your journey towards a healthier and happier you. Take the first step today by scheduling a consultation, and together, we will pave the way to a vibrant and fulfilling life through the power of nutrition.


I became a resident of Charleston SC in 2015 after relocating from my native state of NC. When not assisting clients, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Merideth, my daughter Charlotte and my cat, Kitty at our home on Johns Island SC. I have laid down my roots in the Charleston area and plan to make a lifelong commitment to the health and wellbeing of its residents.


I look forward to supporting you on your path to wellness!


Email: calen@dwsolutionsusa.com

Telephone: (828) 342-9683