Our Articles

The Modern Day Shaman & Alternative Methods Of Healing

Moving into altered states of consciousness for information, guidance and to support healing is always a practice of the Shaman. This is true whether they are located in the Western world, a tribal community or any other part of the world.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy in the Primary Care Setting

Physical and mental wellness has been my passion for 20 years. I have incorporatated natural healing and holistic practices into my patient care whenever possible. We have incorporated Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy into our wellness practice. Read on to learn how this all makes sense!

About Us

We are a collective of practitioners who provide high quality healthcare services. We offer primary care, functional and integrative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine and more.

Our Services

At Remedy Wellness we offer holistic primary care, functional and integrative medicine, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, IV services, Shamanism and Intuitive Energy Healing & Coaching, Massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture and more!

Our Locations

Remedy Wellness
3423 Maybank Highway